Exhibit Feature Friday: Melissa's Seaside Cottage

Exhibit Feature Friday

At the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine (CMTM), we use the word exhibit to describe the interactive experiences, spaces, and displays spread across three floors and immediately outside the facility at 250 Thompson’s Point Road. CMTM is home to over 15 exhibits, each designed to encourage experiential learning through open-ended play. 

Our team at CMTM decided to give each exhibit the spotlight it deserves and is dedicating Fridays to highlighting a new exhibit, diving a little deeper into the WHY and HOW behind each playful space and experience. 

EXHIBIT: Melissa’s Seaside Cottage

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

Melissa’s Seaside Cottage is located in a quiet corner of the Our Neighborhood exhibit across from Lighthouse Cove. An inviting green exterior and flower-filled window boxes welcome guests to this coastal cottage. Once inside they’ll find a cozy, honeybee-themed space for rest, reading, and connection. 

The cottage’s bookshelf features a carefully-curated selection of children’s books for a range of reading levels. Visitors will enjoy perusing the titles, admiring the illustrations, and immersing themselves in the stories. The cottage also houses various building blocks and stacking toys. This comfortable, secluded exhibit is a wonderful place to relax and regroup, or to connect with a friend or caregiver as you read together.

A Quiet Place 

Melissa’s Seaside Cottage offers a respite from busier museum & theatre spaces. It is a small exhibit with room for just a few people at a time. Guests can keep the cottage doors open, or close a curtain for a bit of extra privacy.

Looking for additional places to take a break? Check out these options:

Snack Tables (Lobby, 1st Floor): Food and drink are welcome on the 1st floor! Settle in for a snack at one of the many tables and benches in the lobby. Please note that food and drink (with the exception of baby bottles & water) are prohibited on floors 2 and 3.

Maddy’s Theatre Viewing Gallery (Maddy’s Theatre, 1st Floor): Maddy’s Theatre is equipped with a sound-proof viewing room. This space allows visitors to watch theatre shows through a large window while making noise or moving about. Sound levels within the gallery are adjustable, so guests can change the show’s volume to suit their preferences.

Nursing Nook and Family Restroom (2nd Floor): There is a private Nursing Nook on the 2nd floor, outfitted with comfortable seating and a hand-washing sink. Next to the Nursing Nook is a Family Restroom for guests in need of additional space or privacy.

IDEXX STEM Learning Hub (3rd Floor): This classroom space is an excellent place for a break. It features multiple tables, chairs, and couches, along with a robust collection of STEM-themed children’s books.

Seeking a place to rest but unsure where to go? Ask a staff member! CMTM’s friendly team is always ready to assist.

Did you know?

CMTM has noise-canceling headphones available for guests to use! Ask about them at the Welcome Desk.


Melissa’s Seaside Cottage Made possible by a generous gift from The Bourque and Rector Families in memory of Melissa Rector Bourque.

Coming Up Next:

Tune in next Friday to learn about the Meet Our Neighbors exhibit!